Quality Care

Quality Care


Union Health Service Quality Improvement and Risk programs provide a formal process to objectively and systematically monitor and evaluate the quality, appropriateness, efficiency, safety and effectiveness of the care of our patients that we serve. The Quality and Risk Management Plan is a structured approach for conducting delegation oversight and monitoring compliance across the organization. The program focuses on identifying and implementing opportunities for improving operational processes and health outcomes and satisfaction of members and providers. 

Medical Screening Results of Our Patients

We are pleased to share some encouraging news regarding our medical screening efforts for Mammography. Our recent data shows that an impressive 90% of female members of Union Health Service between the ages of 50 and 74 have completed a mammogram within the last two year.

This accomplishment is a significant milestone in our commitment to women's health, and it reflects the dedication of both our healthcare providers and our valued members. Here is what this statistic means for you and the membership:

  1. Early Detection: Mammograms are a vital tool in the early detection of breast cancer. Completing a mammogram every two years greatly enhances the chances of detecting cancer at an early, more treatable stage.
  2. Improved Outcomes: By ensuring that a large percentage of women in this age group are screened regularly, we are contributing to better health outcomes and an increased likelihood of successful treatment in case breast cancer is detected.
  3. Membership Health: This statistic demonstrates our commitment to improving the overall health of our membership. It reflects the importance we place on preventive care and early intervention.
  4. Encouraging Preventive Health: We want to take this opportunity to encourage all eligible women to continue with regular mammography screenings as recommended.

If you are due for your mammogram or have questions about breast health, please do not hesitate to reach out to your healthcare providers.

Union Health Service would like to express our gratitude to our members for their proactive approach to preventive health and to our healthcare team for their dedication to promoting and providing accessible screening services.

If you have any questions or concerns related to mammography or any other aspect of your healthcare, please feel free to contact your provider. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to support you in every way possible.

Thank you for being proactive about your health, and together, we can continue to make positive strides in the journey toward better health outcomes.


We are thrilled to share some uplifting news regarding our commitment to your health and the importance of colorectal cancer screening. Our recent data reveals that an impressive 85% of our members have undergone colorectal cancer screening, and we could not be more proud of this significant achievement.

Here's why this milestone is a cause for celebration:

  1. Early Detection Saves Lives: Colorectal cancer, when detected early, is highly treatable. Your proactive approach to screening is a powerful step in preventing and detecting potential issues at an early and more manageable stage.
  2. Preventive Care at Its Best: Your commitment to colorectal cancer screening show cases your dedication to preventive health. Regular screenings are a fundamental component of maintaining overall well-being.
  3. Members Health Impact: By achieving an 85% screening rate among our members, we are not only prioritizing individual health but also contributing to the broader health of our members.
  4. Multiple Screening Options: We're thrilled to see that many of you have chosen various screening methods, including colonoscopy, IFOBT, and Cologuard testing. This diversity in screening options allows us to cater to individual preferences and comfort levels.
  5. Encouragement for Others: Your positive response to colorectal cancer screening sets a powerful example for others in the membership. Your commitment may inspire more individuals to take control of their health through screening.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to you, our patients, for your proactive engagement in your health journey. It is your commitment that has made this milestone possible, and we are here to continue supporting your health needs in every way we can.

If you have any questions about colorectal cancer screening, the different screening methods, or when you should schedule your next screening, please reach out to your provider. Your health is our priority, and we are here to assist you in any way we can.

Thank you for being active participants in your health, and together, we can continue to make great strides in promoting health, wellness and education.