Provider Satisfaction Survey Results

Provider Satisfaction Survey Results


Union Health Service completed it’s annual Provider Satisfaction Survey for 2023. The survey invitation was sent out via email to Union Health Service Network Providers for 103 possible provider responses.

The survey was available for approximately three weeks starting on October 27th, 2023 and consisted of questions developed around AAAHC accreditation standards and other areas determined by Union Health Service to gain feedback.

A weekly reminder was sent electronically to take the survey.

Along with committee discussions and posted on the Provider Portal. We received 43 responses, for a 42% return rate. This number is lower than in 2019. 

Below is the summary of the survey results.


#19 Rate your experience with the UHS Member Service Department? 97%
#13 Rate your experience with the UHS Nursing Staff? 95%
#14 Rate your experience with the UHS Radiology Staff? 94%
#16 Rate your experience with the Laboratory? 94%
#20 Rate your experience with the UHS Dietician/Nutrition Dpt? 90%
#15 Rate your experience with the UHS Clerks? 89%
#1 How satisfied are you working at UHS? 85%
#12 How satisfied are you with the patient appointment scheduling system? 85%
#7 Rate your satisfaction in accessing and the adequacy of the UHS specialty network? 83%
#9 Rate the UHS Quality Improvement Program? 77%
#3 Do you receive both formal & informal support/recognition from peers & administrator? 75%
#10 Rate Health Education and Wellness programs/services available to UHS Members? 75%
#2 Do you feel you have been given the tools to do your job successfully? 74%
#4 Rate your experience with the Medical Management & Utilization Management Process? 72%
#5 In the past year, rate your experience with the referral process? 68%
#11 How satisfied are you with the overall functionality of the UHS electronic medical record? 68%
#8 Rate your satisfaction with the continuity and coordination of care of your UHS Patients? 68%
#6 Rate the timeliness of receiving information from Specialists, including core hospitals? 63%
  • Facilitation and support of appropriate staff and services
  • Customer Service identified providers are being treated with courtesy and respect
  • Improve appointments in a timely fashion
  • The referral processing time and getting information back from the specialists
  • Electronic medical records was rated lower than last survey
  • Increase survey participation
  • Improve referral-processing time
  • Improve engagement of patient’s education
  • Ask patients at time of visits for email addresses
  • Hire staff to Member Services to decrease average telephone response time to answer
  • Staff education and training